Tuesday, March 31, 2015

The infamous Nike swoosh

It was nearly 40 years ago that Carolyn Davidson designed the infamous Nike logo.  Davidson was a college student at Portland State University where the co-founder of Nike was a track coach.  Her first paid "design" job was to pasint signs for an accounting professor in which she was paid $2 an hour.

As almost everyone knows Davidson was paid a measly $35 dollars for her design of the Nike logo which now has a value of $643,000 as of 2011. In an interview about her design she states that she was paid what she charged for her design and at the time it was quite a bit of money.  Spite the fact that the general population claims she was "ripped off" for receiving so little for her design, she worked with Nike for years after and received 500 shares of Nike stock.

Soon after the logo was designed the company started designing shoes with the name Nike after the Greek goddess of victory. Today Nike employs more the 30,000 people and has more than 19 billion sales every year.  The Nike logo is known worldwide recognized on hundreds of sports products.